Thursday 17 March 2016

Location in Horror/Thriller (Research)

Saw is set in a limited surrounding so no sight of doors or window all suggest a feeling of claustrophobia and that is the main location because mainly the audience would be pondering on how the characters are going to escape.

Scream is set in a house in the kitchen, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by big trees, within an area where surroundings are bare and less people are there to witness the potential violence and torture, which happens to the character. Also the location of misery is similar to scream because you do not see any other houses within sight from where its set location which in this film may suggest that this character is lonely and keeps to himself. As well as Halloween starts setting the film in a messy kitchen suggestion that the characters are normal family and the film starts off as a equilibrium.

Also both Scream and Halloween are set in the kitchen, this being the place in house where and useable weapons are kept such as knives, where in scream knives are shown in the centre of the kitchen.

Friday 4 March 2016

Costumes in Horror/Thriller (Research)

Ordinary, daily clothing is often used in horror films to create a sense of normality. For example in Scream, the character is wearing a polo neck and trousers. This is done to potray innocence within the character. Also, in Misery, the character also wore ordinary clothing. This shows that trouble or bad things come in the way of innocent people.

Rough and dirty clothing was used in saw portraying the thought of their social class and how less important the two characters are in terms of status, because they have been left in a abandon room with barley anything.

In creep your unable to see costume within the few first minutes because the images are being shown from a point of view angle. Which portrays that the audience have not got a sense of what type of person this character is because your able to tell a lot from what people what for example wealth and their culture.

In scream the look of wealth in terms of the materials of the clothing suggesting that the victim is portrayed to be better in term of money and class and stereotypically it is the upper class who do not see to cause trouble but however trouble seems to find them.