Saturday 23 April 2016

Evaluation - Question 4

Who would be the audience of your media product?

We have chosen to make a horror/thriller film for the reason as it can be targeted at a large group of people. Also, as horror is a popular genre it would draw people to watch our film if it were a blockbuster.

Making horror a popular genre choice for both males and females helps to target both genders of audience, rather than chick flicks targeted more of a female-based audience, and action /mystery films targeting more of male-based viewers.

Our main audience for our media product would be teenagers as this is the most common audience for other horror films. The main reason why horror movies, like ours, want to achieve a 15 age rating is because it means that they can get a broad audience as oppose to much a smaller, niche audience, in order to get a mass audience. If it were rating 18+, since teenagers are the prime audience for horror movies and seem to enjoy them the most out of all other age groups.
The rating of our film has been given a 15-age rating which means that the audience could be from any age of 15 and above. We decided to give the restriction to people younger than 15 not being able to watch the film because it isn’t suitable for them. By choosing a 15 rating this meant that we didn’t include any offensive language, behavior and the horror can be strong without being sexualized to something more. The reason we chose to use a 15 rating is because we felt that it gives us the chance to appeal to younger audience compared to other horror films such as ‘Scream’, which are rated 18+.

Our chosen demographic Is going to be E as it contains students and young people who are our main target audience. We feel like this demographic is most likely to enjoy to enjoy our film.

My film has been made so that it would appeal to both genders creating a wider audience to view the media product, due to the fact that out media product includes both male and female actors. Also, people tastes in media will affect their film consumption habits; so if they enjoy horror films, they may be more likely to watch our film.

As our media product is aimed at a young audience, we feel like it will be easier to advertise as young people are the main users of social media, so we could use that platform to spread the work of our film. We could advertise using social media websites such as twitter, Instagram, snapchat (how it was used for spectre) and Facebook. We could also put out film on youtube which can be easily accessed by anyone. 

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