Friday 19 February 2016

Colour in Horror/Thriller (Research)

The use of the colour red has been used strongly within all these films but especially in creep and misery where its used to connate danger by the use of red clothing (gloves) in creep and misery use typography as well as clothing and mise en scene to connate danger and blood. Overall within these films the use of red was shown by blood from where violence or an accident has occurred.

Black connotes darkness, evil, suffering and at times danger was used strongly in these films apart from Misery and Halloween for different uses. They use the colour mainly to frighten the characters more because in this case theses characters where already suffering and were scared, where in saw the characters where kept and tortured in claustrophobic and abandoned locations, so with the darkness it makes the situation more effective too.

White/cream clothing was used in scream to suggest innocence because white can be seen to connote holiness. But as well as this ghost where in Scream the mask is white and is stereotypical looking of a ghost. 

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