Wednesday 24 February 2016

Lighting in Horror/Thriller (Research)

I watched the opening sequences for several films as part of my Horror research.

In these two horror films the main sources of lighting that is used throughout the films is darkness and bright but sharp lighting.
Daylight was present within the two films, which showed that it started as any other ordinary day for the characters. This made the films seems realistic. This links to Todorovs narrative theory as this is the equilibrium, the disruption will occur soon after this.

Darkness was also used in Saw as it captures the fact that it will be a scary horror film.  Darkness connotes danger and evil. The dark mise en scene immediately shows the genre of the film to the audience.
Harsh fluorescent lighting was used in Saw. This allowed the audience wonder about what is happening. It also sets the scene in terms of how scary the film going to be, and the types of weapons in will contain. Weapons are another convention of horror

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